
We love Jesus

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus

Video transcript:

What if I told you Jesus came to abolish religion? What if I told you voting Republican really wasn't his mission? What if I told you Republican doesn't automatically mean Christian, and just because you call some people blind, doesn't automatically give you vision?

I mean, if religion is so great, why has it started so many wars? Why does it build huge churches but fails to feed the poor? Tell single moms God doesn't love them if they've ever had a divorce? But in the Old Testament, God actually calls religious people whores.

Religion might preach grace, but another thing they practice. Tend to ridicule God's people. They did it to John the Baptist. They can't fix their problems, and so they just mask it, not realizing religion's like spraying perfume on a casket.

See, the problem with religion is it never gets to the core. It's just behavior modification like a long list of chores. Like let's dress up the outside, make it look nice and neat, but it's funny that's what they used to do to mummies while the corpse rots underneath.

Now I ain't judging. I'm just saying, quit putting on a fake look, cause there's a problem if people only know you're a Christian by your Facebook. I mean, in every other aspect of life, you know that logic's unworthy. It's like saying you play for the Lakers just because you bought a jersey.

See this was me too, but no one seemed to be on to me. Acting like a church kid while addicted to pornography. See on Sunday, I'd go to church but Saturday getting faded, acted as if I was simply created just to have sex and get wasted. See I spent my whole life building this facade of neatness, but now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness.

Because if grace is water, then the church should be an ocean. It's not a museum for good people. It's a hospital for the broken. Which means I don't have to hide my failure. I don't have to hide my sin. Cause it doesn't depend on me. It depends on him.

See because when I was God's enemy and certainly not a fan, He looked down and said, "I want that man." Which is why Jesus hated religion, and for it he called them fools. Don't you see so much better, than just following some rules.

Now let me clarify. I love the church, I love the Bible, and yes I believe in sin. But if Jesus came to your church, would they actually let him in? See remember he was called a glutton and a drunkard by religious men. But the Son of God never supports self-righteousness, not now, not then.

Now back to the point. One thing is vital to mention, how Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums. See one's the work of God, but one's a man-made invention. See one is the cure, but the other's the infection.

See because religion says do. Jesus says done. Religion says slave. Jesus says son. Religion puts you in bondage while Jesus sets you free. Religion makes you blind, but Jesus makes you see.

And that's why religion and Jesus are two different clans. Religion is man searching for God. Christianity is God searching for man. Which is why salvation is freely mine. And forgiveness is my own. Not based on my merits, but Jesus' obedience alone.

Because he took the crown of thorns and the blood dripped down his face. He took what we all deserved. I guess that's why you call it grace. And while being murdered, he yelled, "Father forgive them. They know not what they do." Because when he was dangling on that cross, he was thinking of you. And he absorbed all your sin, and he buried it in the tomb, which is why I'm kneeling at the cross saying, "Come on, there's room."

So for religion, know I hate it. In fact I literally resent it. Because when Jesus said, "It is finished," I believe he meant it.

Is God good?

Video transcript:

Is God good? If he is, why is there suffering and evil?

Let's assume for the moment that God is all powerful. This means that God can do anything that is logically possible. So he can create galaxies, and subatomic particles, and rainforests, and you.

But God cannot do what is logically impossible. He cannot make a square circle or a one-ended stick. So can God make a rock so big that he can't lift it? No.

So what if, when God created human beings, he wanted them to be free. Freedom's a good thing. But, if humans are to be free, they cannot be forced to obey God -- because freedom without choice is like a square circle. It's a logical contradiction. No choice, no freedom.

God didn't want robots. He wanted real people.

The first humans endowed with the awesome power of free choice abused their freedom. The tragic consequences of their bad choice and our bad choices rippled across the world.

God is responsible for the fact of freedom but humans are responsible for their acts of freedom.

But let's remember, we don't suffer alone. God will put an end to suffering and evil. And God became a man to suffer with us.

God is good and he wants real people like you to know him, but the free choice is yours.
fVideo transcript:

Is God good? If he is, why is there suffering and evil?

Let's assume for the moment that God is all powerful. This means that God can do anything that is logically possible. So he can create galaxies, and subatomic particles, and rainforests, and you.

But God cannot do what is logically impossible. He cannot make a square circle or a one-ended stick. So can God make a rock so big that he can't lift it? No.

So what if, when God created human beings, he wanted them to be free. Freedom's a good thing. But, if humans are to be free, they cannot be forced to obey God -- because freedom without choice is like a square circle. It's a logical contradiction. No choice, no freedom.

God didn't want robots. He wanted real people.

The first humans endowed with the awesome power of free choice abused their freedom. The tragic consequences of their bad choice and our bad choices rippled across the world.

God is responsible for the fact of freedom but humans are responsible for their acts of freedom.

But let's remember, we don't suffer alone. God will put an end to suffering and evil. And God became a man to suffer with us.

God is good and he wants real people like you to know him, but the free choice is yours.


God's existence

Video transcript:

"Does God exist?" could be humanity's most frequently asked question. That and, "What's for dinner?" Well here's some food for thought...

Looking around you, it's hard to deny that the order and beauty of nature is truly astounding. The amount of intelligibility, the way bits and pieces exist and coexist, order and regularity. Even the fact that a single protein exists is a miracle.

Have a look at ATP synthase, a proton-driven molecular turbine that sits in the membrane of your mitochondria, literally producing power in the form of ATP that drives most functions in your body. Or a bacterial flagellum or a ribosome. See some similarity? From the nucleus to the nebula, everywhere you see the fingerprints of design.

Atheistic science claims that chance is this designer. Unlikely! Forget the astronomical improbability of even a single protein existing by chance, which by the way is about one in 10 to the power of about 130. Evolution due to chance assumes order. If the Darwinian Theory has shown anything, it has shown, in a general way, how species may have descended from others through a series of random mutations and how survival of these species can be accounted for by natural selection.

But the survival of the fittest presupposes the arrival of the fit. Anyone would look at this sculpture by Nathan Sawaya and know it was created. Let's suppose another theory arose that these blocks just fell into place. Blocks, raining down randomly, form this structure. Even if highly improbably, given enough time, it can happen. If this sculpture could come about by chance, chance could not form it alone. The interaction of subatomic particles, the spacial relationship of the atoms within the plastic, the forces holding these atoms together, the friction between the surfaces of the Lego blocks, the platform for the structure to form on, the interaction of gravity and matter -- you would have to assume all these and more before chance could act. And where did the blocks come from? So, no established order, no room for chance to work.

Let's wax philosophical. Everything is in a constant state of flux, like this flux capacitor. For example, a seed. A seed can grow to be a giant tree. Firstly, the seed cannot bring itself into existence. Secondly, even though the seed has the potential to become a tree, it's not yet a tree. How does a seed change to become a tree? The seed cannot purely change itself. It needs to be acted on by other things around it. It needs some dirt, some water, some nutrients. For argument's sake say this seed requires seven changers so that it can 

Now the second question is, are these changers remaining constant or are they themselves changing? They are changing. So these seven changers each need their changers to change.

Now zoom out. The universe is the sum total of space, matter and time. Space, matter and time is continually changing, but can't make itself change or bring itself into being. Therefore, there has to be a force external to space, matter and time, the unchanging source of existence and change, God.

The only possible argument to dodge this would be to say that the universe could be infinitely old and therefore would not need a creator because there was never a point of creation. There can not be an unending series of changers changing things. And here's why...

Here is today. If the past is infinite, there are an infinite amount of days back that way, but there would take an infinite amount of days to reach this day. So this day would never be reached, because an infinite amount of time would have to pass to get to today. So the universe must have had a start and must have had a reason to start.



Lee Strobel: The last Bible verse I read as an atheist

"But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believed in his name." John 1:12

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